Sunday, September 21, 2003

I really think that I should write a screenplay about our little neighborhood here. This collection of townhouses are home to some of the most interesting stories. I could write about the hellions (skanky teenage girls), the custody case and police presence, the deaf girl, the pot smoking asians, the syrians who smoke something a little different from pot, the landlord who thinks we smoke pot, the way the old landlord talks to his dogs and walks around without a shirt on, the overprotective mothers, that kid in a motorized wheelchair, Conny's corner (where the older folks sit around gossiping, smoking and staring us down), The Newfies, the hippies, the mechanic, the loud and verbally abusive husband, the guy with a garage full of junk and more. It has a great cross section of society and would make for a great story if I was a talented writer. Maybe it would be a good project for Stephen and I if he isn't too busy at 'work' writing his story about mall security guards.

Wednesday, September 17, 2003

Last week I mentioned that I had a survey camp major report due on Thursday afternoon. Well, I pulled an all nighter on Wednesday night to get it done. That's right, you heard it here first, I pulled an all nighter in the first week of school. Now, I know what you're saying. "Jonathan, if you stayed up all night in the first week of school, you must really care about your studies. You must work so hard to get the grades you do. You are an inspiration for students everywhere." Well, the truth is, I procrastinated with my first assignment. I may not be the inspiration that you all think I am. I don't mean to shatter the image you have devised of me, but I need to if it means I can now be honest about who I really am. With that in mind, I hope to be the best shining example of academia that I can be. And some day, we will all hold our heads high and our diplomas in hand and admire what we have done. And we will move forward with confidence knowing that we have done it, together.

Wednesday, September 10, 2003

There are a few more slight changes around here. I apologize for those who don't share my minimalist sense of style. There are a couple of things I should mention from the last few days:
1. A security guard at school scolded me with "This isn't high school anymore". Ask me about it sometime.
2. My comunication and technical writing course TA's favourite band is Slayer.
3. One of my classmates took the locker I had 'reserved' after hanging my jacket in it, by putting his lock on it, thus locking in my jacket and apparently overriding my claim of ownership. I now have a locker on the bottom row at knee level, instead of one at eye level.
4. I don't have class on Tuesdays or Thursdays and despite my best intentions and workload, I feel I will be sleeping until noon on both those days.
5. We've (Stephen and I) been to Denny's twice this week and already the waitresses know us and ask why the third (Mike) is not with us. My bank account can't handle this for long.
6. Speaking of which, I was at the bank today and I'm finally gettting a replacement client card, after using this current one for 9 years. (Since the beginning of grade 9) I knew it was time after the girl at the Safeway checkout teased me about having such an old and ratty card.
7. I had to try twice at writing a check for my tuition. The first time I couldn't write out the words "two thousand three hundred and eighty nine" without screwing up and skipping part of it. I received a phone call at home informing me of such.
8. My survey camp major report is due in a bit less than two days time. It's going to be a very busy two days. The first week of school should never be like this. Never.
9. A guy at the two shows this past weekend has inspired the act of skyward double fist pumping and air drumming to celebrate anything appropriate. One thing deemed appropriate this week was fresh chocolate chip cookies.
10. I've already begun plans for next summer, which may include a trip back to Cornerstone in July and a trip to Vancouver and down the west coast to San Francisco the few weeks before school starts at the end of August, among others.

Tuesday, September 09, 2003

This is a test. Don't forget to check out Photographic Catharsis